Northern Lights Film Festival (logo)
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In collaboration with Talent Circle, the UK Filmmaker and Casting Network and the Super Shorts Film Festival, for four whole days during Northern Lights, the Tyneside Cinema’s Digital Lounge will be screening short films made by filmmakers from across the region and beyond…for FREE! No ticket needed, just drop by!

Super Shorts 2005 consists of the UK’s largest collection of films of no longer than five minutes in length. The festival is presented by Talent Circle - UK Filmmaker & Casting Network.

Twelve and a half minutes

The average member of German society is male, 38 years old and gets up at 8:15 am. On a quite normal day he will do quite normal things like brushing his teeth, going to work, shopping at the supermarket, mowing the lawn, watching TV and finally going to bed again. But although his world may be perfectly regulated in terms of time and space, our average member of German society might feel somewhat lost in his life. Who am I? What is my role in the world? How does the barrage of images I absorb every day relate to me and my daily routine? Using a vast array of found footage, Zwölf ein halb minuten asks these questions, in about the time it takes you to fall asleep at night.

Director: Joschua Douma / Short film / English / 14 minutes / German 2003

My Parents

Marie has a problem. She has met the man of her dreams. But he desperately wants to get to know her parents, which wouldn't be so bad had Marie not told him her parents were still madly in love, cool, and pretty liberal. But Marie's parents are anything but that. Lydia and Erhard, both in their early fifties, have been a couple for more than 25 years. Their marriage seems fizzled out, daily routine has long caught up with them. For some time now, they've been sleeping in separate rooms. Everything is tidy, philistinism reigns supreme. In a panic, Marie goes to see her parents to prepare them for their visitor...

Director: Neele Leana Vollmar / Short film / German with English subtitles
18 minutes / German 2003


Want to get a preview of some of the short films screening at Northern Lights? Then log onto, you can even review the films!

Super Shorts: Manifesto
Super Shorts: My Parents
Talent Circle Super Shorts logo
Northern Scene logo

17 - 24 NOVEMBER 2005 at Tyneside Cinema, Side Cinema, Seven Stories, Eldon Square, Baltic and Kino

Sponsor and Funder logos 2005